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February 6, 2025
A new study from the University of New Mexico has found that the average human brain contains about 7 grams of microplastics—the same weight as a plastic spoon. Researchers discovered that the amount of these tiny plastic particles in the...
February 5, 2025
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued its highest alert for a recall of some chocolate and yogurt-covered snacks from Cal Yee Farm. The recall, which started in December, was upgraded due to the snacks containing undeclared allergens...
February 4, 2025
As wildfires continue to ravage Southern California, the focus is beginning to shift from the immediate dangers of the flames to the lasting mental health effects on those affected. Even after the fires are contained, the emotional impact on...
February 3, 2025
Cold-water immersion is recognized for its substantial health benefits, particularly when practiced regularly. This technique, involving dunking into cold water for brief periods, has been linked to numerous positive outcomes based on recent studies...
Completing Dry January can bring significant health benefits, and this year, many have experienced improvements such as better sleep, clearer skin, and weight loss. Just a few days after cutting out alcohol, many notice their mood and digestion...
February 1, 2025
The bird flu outbreak has now spread to dairy herds across 16 states, affecting 845 herds as of March 2024, marking the first time the virus has been transmitted from birds to cows. Since the outbreak started in January 2022, approximately 123...
January 31, 2025
A new study has found that regularly flossing could significantly reduce the risk of stroke, a growing concern among young adults. U.S. researchers found that, individuals who maintained a habit of flossing over 25 years had a 21% lower chance of...
January 30, 2025
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is reviewing the dangers of nitrates in drinking water after new research suggests they may be linked to cancer. Nitrates enter water from fertilizers and animal manure, and they have long been known to...
January 29, 2025
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued its most severe warning, a Class I recall, for 6,344 bags of Lay’s Classic Potato Chips sold in Oregon and Washington due to the presence of undeclared milk. This alert warns that the chips...
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