Tom Brady Doesn't Drink Gatorade on the Sideline, He Drinks This Instead

For decades, the go-to drink for athletes beyond water has been Gatorade, a specially formulated drink meant to boost hydration. But a lemon drink with “a ton of electrolytes” is what the Patriots’ Tom Brady chooses for his refreshment, CBS Sports reports. While the drink’s recipe is secret, it is known that Brady doesn’t consume sugar or iodized salt, so I think it’s safe to assume those things aren’t in it.

Brady’s diet has been the talk of news agencies for months, since the Patriots’ chef revealed that his diet consists of 80 percent vegetables and 20 percent other things like beans and organic steak, chicken, duck and wild salmon. This shows that he is personally attuned to your body’s needs when it comes to meats as proteins.

Besides meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, substantial amounts of protein can be found in legumes, nuts and seeds. Some vegetables also contain generous amounts of protein — for example, broccoli. Forty grams of protein is not a large amount of food — it's the equivalent of one 6-ounce chicken breast.

It sounds like Brady knows that by eating a healthy high-fat, low-carbohydrate and low- to moderate-protein diet, you enter into what is known as nutritional ketosis: a state in which your body burns fat as its primary fuel rather than glucose (sugar). Mounting research suggests nutritional ketosis is the answer to a long list of health problems, starting with obesity.

In fact, maintaining nutritional ketosis may have health benefits in diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, MS, autism, migraines, traumatic brain injuries, polycystic ovary syndrome and much more.